(8512) 51-13-56

(8512) 51-82-36

Our website exists to help you, to our clients and just to all interested persons to learn all the most necessary information about the net materials, which produce our factory and about services which we are ready to render you.
JSC "Astrakhan net-making factory" - is older, debugged enterprise. It is strong by its century traditions, the skillful management, the strict and accurate production organization, and, of course, of their workers.



Astrakhan net-making factory, JSC, is one of the oldest factories in Astrakhan city. It was established in 1912.

In 2017 at factory anniversary - 105 years from the date of the basis. At the beginning of the 20th century (in 1911) two astrakhan businessmen Belugin and Burakov started the construction of Astrakhan net making factory and it was completed in 1912.

Gradually in 1914 the number of machines was finished to 12. In their 1933 already 23.

From the middle of the fiftieth years the important place in products was taken by networks from polyamide thread. In 1955 the new fixation machine and unwinding devices were put into operation. It enabled to increase the range of goods. In 1960 the first-ever shop of impregnation of net material was built by synthetic latex.

6 «AUGUST HERZOG» company cord-making machines and Soviet Union-made machines as well as net-making machines of Finnish company «Lindeman» were put into operation (1992-1996). Factory started manufacture of cord (3-16 mm) and monothread nets. 25 new twisting machines made possible to provide 90% of region`s need in threads. Manufacture store was built near the factory.

2000 new rope-making machine was brought into operation. Since then Astrakhan net-making factory began manufacturing of high quality ropes (diameter 8-19 mm).

There is the fishing gear-making section in factory. Fishing gears are designed and tested by Astrakhan State Technical University and Federal State Unitary Enterprise Caspian Fisheries Research Institute specialists. Approximately in the same time at factory development of production of networks from monothread on the equipment of the Finnish firm «Lindeman» began.

And nowadays it is the only factory of this kind in the south of Russia. It provides goods not only for the Caspian, Azov, Black seas areas but for Central Asia, Russian North and Far East areas.

Our main customers are fish companies located in Russia (Astrakhan and Rostov regions, Stavropol Territory and Krasnodar Territory, Republic of Dagestan and Republic of Kalmykia, Kamchatka Territory, Far Eastern Federal District), some CIS states (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Turkmenistan) and non-CIS state Estonia.